Training courses

To be certified as approved applicator of TECNOPOL products and systems, it is essential to first perform specific training by one of our technicians while gradually showing experience in the application of our products and systems.

Applicator certification courses

Specialised training courses: after they are satisfactorily completed Tecnopol certifies that the candidate is an approved applicator of its products,  an essential document for access to certain projects.




Specific application techniques

In-depth study of specific products and application systems, in which the essential techniques for achieving high quality in all projects are explained.

New products

Tecnopol is continually researching and developing new products, launching them on the market once they have passed all the necessary controls and certifications;  and offers prescribers specific courses in which they can learn more about their uses, properties, particular characteristics and application techniques. 

Spray guns and equipment

Training sessions related to the installation and commissioning of the equipment, its maintenance and cleaning, as well as the correct adjustment of the parameters in each case.

Retraining of professionals 

Course designed for professionals who are experts in traditional waterproofing systems and want to broaden their knowledge and professional possibilities, specialising in liquid waterproofing systems.
Cursos homologación profesionales

The teaching team of Tecnopol Academy travels to various countries  to give courses and seminars at the headquarters of companies, professional associations (public and private) and architects' associations.