The Waterproofing Revolution in Sports Pools

Sports pools, with their immense volumes of water and constant athlete use, present unique challenges in terms of maintenance and infrastructure. One of the most crucial challenges is to ensure that these pools are properly waterproofed. Waterproofing not only prevents leaks, but also ensures the structural integrity of the pool and protects the surrounding facilities. In recent years, we have witnessed a real revolution in waterproofing techniques and materials specifically for these pools.

The Challenges of Sports Pools

Unlike residential pools, sports pools face extreme conditions on an almost daily basis. They are subject to intensive use, constant temperature changes, exposure to chemicals and the need to comply with strict regulations in terms of hygiene and safety. These factors make waterproofing even more crucial.

Modern Membranes: Beyond Tradition

In the past, the waterproofing of these pools was mainly based on special cements and paints. However, these traditional methods were often insufficient for the demands of modern swimming pools. The introduction of liquid membranes, especially those based on polyurea and polyurethane, has changed the game.

These membranes, when applied, form a continuous, elastic layer that adheres firmly to the pool surface. Their flexibility allows them to resist structural movements, while their durability ensures long-term protection against leaks.

In this sense, polyurea membranes stand out as the best solution for waterproofing sports pools. Known for its fast curing ability, polyurea also offers excellent flexibility and chemical resistance, properties that make it an ideal choice for waterproofing these types of structures, which are normally subjected to harsh conditions.

Some of the benefits of Polyurea Membranes in Sports Pools

  • Fast Application: One of the major advantages of polyurea is its ultra-fast curing time. Once applied, it can be cured in a matter of seconds to minutes, significantly reducing downtime in sports facilities.

  • Durability: Polyurea is resistant to wear, abrasion and common pool chemicals such as chlorine. This chemical resistance ensures that the membrane does not degrade quickly, offering a long service life.

  • Flexibility: Despite its hardness, polyurea is incredibly flexible. This feature allows it to withstand structural movement and thermal expansion without cracking or breaking.

  • Adhesion: Polyurea membranes adhere effectively to multiple substrates, from concrete to metal, ensuring a watertight seal.

  • Sealing: Their ability to form a continuous layer without joints or overlaps eliminates weak points and ensures effective waterproofing.

Polyurea membranes are revolutionising the field of sports pool waterproofing. Their unique combination of speed, durability and flexibility makes them a superior option compared to other traditional methods. 
