Legal notice

This legal notice contains the rules of use of the website that TECNOPOL SISTEMAS, SLU (hereinafter the owner or person in charge) as the owner thereof, makes available to users, in order to provide information on the contents, services and/or products offered by the owner or by third parties.


In compliance with the information duty of article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce, we inform users of the data of the owner of the web and the profiles of the holder's social networks:

  • Responsible: ECNOPOL SYSTEMS, SLU
  • Registered office: C/ Finlàndia 33, 08520 Les Franqueses del Vallès
  • Email:
  • Phone: +34-93-5682111
  • NIF: B63686026
  • Domain name:



The access, navigation and/or use of the information, content, services and/or products offered on the web, attributes the character of user, whether natural or legal person, user status for that very fact. Subject to prior, express, complete and unreserved acceptance of the terms and conditions of the legal texts that appear on the web, consisting of:

For this reason, the owner recommends that the user proceed to a careful reading of the terms and conditions of the indicated legal texts, which can be freely accessed, as well as printed, downloaded and saved in paper or electronic format at any time.

If the user does not agree with the content of the legal texts indicated, they must refrain from accessing, browsing and/or using the information, content, services and/or products offered on the web.

Access to the website is free, except for the cost of the connection through the telecommunications network provided by the access provider that the user has contracted.



The user undertakes to make appropriate use and in good faith of the information, content, services and/or products offered by the owner or by third parties in accordance with the Law, good practices, public order and the content of the legal notice and the legal texts.

In the same way, it is obliged not to use the website, the information, the contents, the services and/or the products offered for purposes or effects that are illicit, harmful or contrary to the content of this legal notice and the rest of the legal texts, or of harmful manner for the interests or rights of the owner or third parties.

Specifically by way of example, but not limitation, the user undertakes not to use them for any of the following purposes:

  1. Incur in illicit, harmful, illegal activities or contrary to good practices and public order.
  1. Disseminate information, content or opinions that affect the dignity of the person, that are threatening, defamatory, humiliating, insulting or discriminatory based on sex, race, religion, beliefs, age or condition, among others, of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic, advocating terrorism or attacking human rights, that threaten youth or childhood, order or public safety.
  1. Destroy, alter, disable, interrupt, use fraudulently or in any other way, damage the information, content, services and/or products of the website, as well as install malware that causes alterations or damage to the website.
  1. Use programs or devices to circumvent the controls, security measures or passwords implemented by the owner.



  1. The user acknowledges that this website is the property of the owner, who is the author or has the corresponding license on the information, content, services and/or products offered by the owner or by third parties, that is, and merely by way of example and without limitation on the following:
  • Distinctive signs such as the brand, trade names and logos.
  • The appearance, the presentation, the "look and feel", the color and design combinations,
  • The source code, the object code, the computer programs, the multimedia products, the databases and other elements necessary for its operation,
  • The texts, comments, messages, images, graphics, drawings, designs, sounds, audios, videos and photographs.
  1. Access by the user to the information, content, services and/or products offered by the owner does not imply or imply on the part of the latter any type of waiver of the same, nor the transmission, total or partial assignment or license of said intellectual and industrial property rights, nor does it grant the user any right of use, alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution, public communication or transformation of the same, without the prior and express written authorization of the owner of said rights.
  2. The reproduction, distribution, transformation and public communication, including its method of making it available, as well as the modification, alteration or decompilation of all or part of the information, content, services and/or products offered by the owner, for commercial purposes or not, in any medium and by any technical means without the prior written authorization of the owner.
  3. The user is authorized to access, view, use, print, download and store the information, content, services and/or products offered by the owner exclusively for their personal, private and non-profit use, this is for non-commercial purposes, provided that the indication of the origin and authorship of the same and the copyright symbol and/or notes of industrial property of their owners are maintained, for which the user undertakes not to delete or alter the mentions such as copyright, © and TM.
  4. User contributions that you send or share with the owner, such as ideas, projects, proposals, content, opinions, etc. by any means, format or technology, whether written, oral, sound, audiovisual, by email, fax, postal mail, social networks or any other means, grants the owner of the website and for that same fact on the aforementioned contributions , without the need for subsequent additional requirements, a free license, non-exclusive, worldwide, for all languages ​​and for as long as the current legislation allows to use it and exploit the contributions for any purpose or purpose, including, by way of enumeration and not limiting the rights of exploitation, fixation, reproduction, distribution, public communication,

Likewise, the user grants the right to assign and/or sublicense said contributions to third parties, without this being understood as an infringement of the moral right of the author of the same.

The user will be responsible for the authorship and originality of their contributions, as well as for the peaceful exercise of their use, for which the user is responsible for their contributions not infringing the rights of third parties or violating any current regulations on intellectual property, industrial or business secrets, nor that it is confidential or secret information protected by contractual agreements.

The user also assumes the obligation to maintain the owner and/or his representatives, partners, managers, agents, workers, etc. unscathed and free from any liability that may derive from the exercise of actions, judicial or not, that were caused by the transgression of the rights of third parties or current legislation related to the contributions.

For the purposes of preserving possible intellectual and industrial property rights or business secrets, in the event that any user or third party considers that there has been a violation of their legitimate rights due to the use of information, content, services and /or the products on the web, you must notify said circumstance, in writing, to indicating:

  1. The personal identification data of the interested party who owns the allegedly infringed rights.
  1. The contents protected by intellectual property rights and their location on the web
  1. The accreditation of the existence, ownership and validity of the aforementioned intellectual property rights.
  1. The express statement in which the interested party is responsible for the veracity of the data and information provided in the notification referred to in this point.



  • Through this website, personal data of users is processed, so it is necessary that the user previously carefully read the personal data privacy policy that appears in the following link de-privacy as well as the different informative clauses that accompany each of the different forms enabled for the collection of personal data.
  • It is reported that, in any case, the personal data collected through this website will be treated in compliance with the provisions of the General Regulation of Protection of Personal Data 2016/679 and in the applicable Spanish legislation, Law 3 /2018.







Therefore, the owner does not assume any responsibility for any aspect related to the web page to which a link is established from this website.

Anyone who wants to include a link to the owner's website on their website must meet the following conditions:

  1. The link will only be allowed to the home page, that is , therefore deep links and frames are prohibited.
  1. They will not be made with the link, false, incorrect or denigrating statements or indications, nor contrary to the law, morals or good customs, about the owner, the information, the contents, the services and/or the products offered or its directors. no employees.
  1. Links are not authorized from pages that affect the dignity of the person, that are threatening, defamatory, humiliating, insulting or discriminatory based on sex, race, religion, beliefs, age or condition, among others, of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic, advocating terrorism or attacking human rights, that threaten youth or childhood, order or public safety.
  1. The establishment of a link does not imply that any type of link or legal relationship between both parties is established or exists.



The user accepts that access to the website and the use of the information, content, services and/or products offered therein is carried out under their sole and exclusive responsibility, without the owner being able to guarantee:

  1. that the information is accurate, complete, current or useful,
  1. the adequate speed of access, the availability and continuity of the operation of the web,
  1. the absence of viruses or other elements that can cause alterations.

The owner excludes, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any liability for damages of any nature that may be due to or related to the information, content, services and/or products offered on the website, as well as as to the lack of availability or continuity of the operation of the web.

The owner of the website in compliance with the provisions of art. 11 and 16 of Law 34/2002, will actively collaborate in the withdrawal or, where appropriate, blocking of all those contents that could affect or contravene the applicable legislation, the rights of third parties or are contrary to morality or public order. .

The user assumes that the owner, where appropriate, may inform the administrative or judicial authorities of those facts that could constitute an illegal or harmful activity, without the need to notify the user in advance, as well as pursue non-compliance with this notice. legal and the rest of the legal texts, exercising all the actions that may correspond to it by law.



The owner of the website makes all reasonable efforts to guarantee the accessibility and availability of the website every day of the year.

However, it reserves the right to interrupt, block, suspend and/or cancel access to information, content, services and/or products on the website without prior notice, at any time, among others for the following reasons:

  1. security, technical, operational, maintenance or force majeure causes,
  1. if the website is used fraudulently or abusively,
  1. for breach by the user of the legal notice and the rest of the legal texts.



This legal notice and the rest of the legal texts will be governed and interpreted in accordance with Spanish legislation, to which both parties expressly submit and which will therefore be the only applicable law.

For the resolution of all disputes, discrepancies, controversies, issues or claims resulting directly or indirectly from the interpretation, compliance or non-compliance, execution, resolution or nullity of this legal notice and the rest of the legal texts, both parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction and competence of the Judges and Courts of the domicile of the consumer and user, provided that it is located in Spanish territory and acts as a consumer and user.

Otherwise, the submission will be to the courts and tribunals of the city of Barcelona, ​​Spain.