Walls and facades

Thermal insulators are materials characterized by their high thermal resistance capacities. Thermal insulators work by preventing the flow of heat to a greater degree than other construction components. All thermal insulators have their own unique properties and it is important to select the right product for each project.

TECNOFOAM is a material with extremely low thermal conductivity; in other other words it provides optimum insulation and thereby reduces energy consumption costs for the future inhabitants of the building.

aislamiento paredes

Spray polyurethane foam (SPF) system for thermal and acoustic insulation(applied density ±8 kg/m³)+info
tecnofoam G-2025
Spray polyurethane foam (SPF) system for thermal insulation(applied density ±33-35 kg/m³)+info

[product tecnofoam-i-2008]

Aislamiento de paredesAislamiento de paredesAislamiento de paredesAislamiento de paredesAislamiento de paredesAislamiento de paredesAislamiento de paredesAislamiento de paredesAislamiento de paredesAislamiento de paredes