

Antistatic pure polyurea membrane for flooring and roofing

Two component, hot-spray pure polyurea membrane for waterproofing, protection and sealing. It is made up of two highly reactive liquid components, Tecnocoat P-2049 /A (isocyanates) and Tecnocoat P-2049-AS /B (amines), mixed together using our specific spray equipment TC2049 or similar, to form a solid pure and aromatic pure polyurea membrane, completely adhered to the substrate, without joints or overlaps, elongable, watertight and waterproof, with qualities for antistatic situations.

0 emisiones VOC


For application in the following situations:

  • Operating rooms (hospitals) or pharmaceutical areas
  • Storage of flammable and explosive coating
  • Electronic or computer rooms with highly sensitive equipment

NOTE: call our technical department about the application to other substrates or scopes of use

minimum thickness 2,00mm
tack-free time  ±5 secs
tensile strength  ±20 MPa
elongation at break  > 350%
hardness Shore A/D >90/>50
application method spray equipment

TDS. Technical Data sheet(PDF)


  • Two-component, 100% solids content, aromatic low-viscosity pure polyurea that once applied, forms a hard-wearing, continuous, seamless, waterproofing, and solid membrane that offers a waterproofing, and watertight behavior on any element that needs to disperse static electricity.
  • The application and training are done by our spray equipment TC2049 ( or similar
  • Thanks to its versatility and its tack-free time of around 3-5 seconds, allows the adherence to any surface, making it the ideal product for application on uneven surfaces and in areas of any shape, whether curved or squared.
  • Due to its resistance, it can be walked on and it will accept a rough finish to make it non-slip. (using Silica Sand or Tecnoplastic range aggregates)
  • Joints and any type of union are saved since the finish is uniform and in one piece, providing a surface with optimal maintenance and cleaning.
  • Has properties to allow it to adhere to most surfaces such as concrete, ceramic tiles, metals, spray polyurethane foam (Tecnofoam), plywood(OSB), asphalt/bituminous sheets. In any case or material, the surface must be consistent and sound (concrete pull-off strength >1.5 MPa), clean, and dry when the products are applied. Recommended applying directly on the concrete deck.
  • Free from harmful VOC compounds, therefore, it does not hurt the ozone layer (VOC's zero). It's 100% recyclable by mechanical means friendly to the environment; no gas collection for recycling and/or destruction is required; it doesn´t emit substance to the environment once installed..
  • It should be applied in dry conditions avoiding the presence of humidity or coming from the surface to be coated or the substrate, whether at the time of application or subsequently (pressure from phreatic water level). In the event there is humidity in the substrate at the time of application.


The recommended minimum thickness is 2 mm. (80 mils DFT), total yiedl is 1,7 kg/sqm, applied in various coats. The total thickness may vary according to support or climatological conditions.


Metal drums of 225 kg each component (B side: amines and A side: isocyanates).


12 months at temperatures between 5° C and 35° C (41 ºF to 95 ºF), provided it is stored in a dry place. Once the tin has been opened, the product must be used. B side must be agitated mechanically before inserting the transfer pumps and use.


The following factors prior to application should be checked:

  • previous preparations of the substrate through physical processes (substrate preparation (sanding, polishing, shot blasting, or milling) for laitance and reliease agents as well as for the opening of the surface pore, achieving a suitable anchorage profile. (CSP 3 -4-5, according to the ICRI)
  • existing holes or areas with a lack of material must be repaired using some or our epoxy resins: Primer EP-1020/Primer EP-1010
  • joint fillings with Mastic PU
  • in existing dilatations joints: remove old material, clean, and fill with Mastic PU. Use also Tecnoband 100 to cover, if necessary.
  • joint filling for installation, work and consolidation of surfaces.
  • general cleaning of the substrate, removing existing dust, dirt, grease or efflorescence. The substrates must be resistant and cohesive.

Concrete substrate

  • concrete should be completely cured (concrete curing takes 28 days) or, in any case, the maximum level of humidity allowed for the substrate should be verified, depending on the primer used.
  • concrete must have a surface with a correct planimetry, high surface resistance, eliminating laitance or release agents, without excessive irregularities. Therefore, the previous action of sanding, polishing, milling or shot-blasting will be assessed by the applicator to achieve a preparation of the support according to ICRI Guide 03732, CSP values 3 to 5.
  • cracks and damaged areas must be repaired using epoxy mortar Primer EP-1020/Primer EP-1010.
  • Mastic PU must be used on fissures or small cracks on the surface.
  • In joints (width < 15 mm): remove old material, clean and fill with Mastic PU.
  • In joints (width >15 mm): remove old material, clean and fill with Mastic PU. Complement with a Tecnoband 100 band on the upper part.
  • in structural/expansion joints: remove old material, clean and fill with Mastic PU. Complement with specific elastic bands and Tecnoband 100
  • clean up well and eliminate all contaminants from the elements, such as dust or chippings, using dry methods preferably.
  • primer application using our Primer PU-1050/Primer PUc-1050, total yield of 250 g/sqm (applied in several thin coats) or Primer WET depending on the existing moisture in the substrate and with a total yield of 450 g/sqm
  • apply/spray the membrane evenly and in several layers until the dry film thickness required by the project is achieved.

NOTE: For other types of supports, weather conditions or the substrate to be applied, consult our technical department.


In cases where the membrane repair by accidental causes, or assembly procedures not covered installations, shall be as follows:

  • cut, removal of the affected area and/or damaged surface
  • sanding this area extending about 20~30 cm. around the perimeter, for overlapping security
  • cleaning (vacuuming) of waste generated (powder, dust...); if it's possible don't use water, and if used, support humidity value; ketones applicability based solvents for reducing this type of surface cleaning
  • apply a thin layer (100-150 g/sqm) of polyurethane resin Primer PU-1050/Primer EPw-1070.
  • light spread Silica Sand over the wet primer applied before
  • wait for the total drying
  • apply/spray the membrane evenly and in several layers until the dry film thickness required by the project is achieved.

In cases has been exceeded recoat time (24~48 hours), so the waiting time between jobs is prolonged, proceed as follows:

  • sanding strip longitudinal overlap of about 20~30 cm. wide
  • cleaning (vacuuming) of waste generated (powder, dust...)or existing dust; if it's possible, do not use water, and if it's used, check the support humidity value; ketones applicability based solvents for conducting this type of surface cleaning
  • apply a thin layer (100-150 g/sqm) of polyurethane resin Primer PU-1050/Primer EPw-1070.
  • light spread Silica Sand over the wet primer applied before
  • wait for the total drying
  • apply/spray the membrane evenly and in several layers until the dry film thickness required by the project is achieved.


For the formation, it is necessary to mix the two initial liquid components, isocyanates and amines by our spray equipment TC2049 ( or similar (proper maintenance and cleaning it is recommended). The general parameters for this material will be the following:

  • Isocyanate heater temperature: 70-75 ºC (158ºF to 167ºF)
  • Amine heater temperature:70-75ºC (158ºF to 167ºF)
  • Hose temperature:±70 ºC (158ºF )
  • Working pressure: 2.500 - 3.000 psi (170 to 205 bar)
  • Recommended mixing chamber: GU-07008-1 or GU-07008-2 (use mechanical purge chamber)

These temperatures and pressure parameters must be valued, ratified or slightly varied by the applicator, depending on the conditions of each climatic zone, weather situation or according to the specifications of the projection equipment. It is the responsibility of the owner / applicator of the equipment to keep it in perfect condition in order to maintain the correct mixing ratio of the two components that Tecnopol delivers separately, by periodically updating its maintenance controls. During the execution of the application, it may be necessary to correct these parameters according to changing external conditions, as well as to verify the correct operation of the machine (pressure and temperature).


These safety recommendations for handling, are necessary for the implementation process as well as in the pre and post, on exposure to the loading machinery.

  • Respiratory Protection: When handling or spraying use an air-purifying respirator.
  • Skin protection: Use rubber gloves, remove immediately after contamination. Wear clean body-covering. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after work and before eating, drinking, or smoking.
  • Eye / Face: Wear safety goggles to prevent splashing and exposure to particles in the air.
  • Waste: Waste generation should be avoided or minimized.
  • Incinerate under controlled conditions in accordance with local laws and national regulations.
  • Re-occupancy of the work site without respiratory equipment is minimum 24 hours providing the correct ventilation for the area sprayed.
  • Contractors and applicators must comply with all applicable and appropriate guidelines for storage and safety guidelines.

Consult the material and safety data sheet of the products of the system.




Density   ISO 1675

±1.10 ±0.05 g/cm³

Density compounds* A/B  ISO 1675 1.11 ±0.05 g/cm³  -  1.10 ± 0.05 g/cm³
Viscosity compunds* A/B (at 12 rpm)   ISO 2555 850±50 cps  -  1,100 ± 250 cps
Mixing ratio (weight - volume) 100/102 - 100/100
Tack-free time ±5 seconds
Recoat time 10 secs ~ 48 hours
Use temperature range (environment) -20 ~90 ºC     (-4 to 194ºF)
Application temperature range (substrate  and environment) 3 ~ 35 ºC    (41 to 95ºF)
Maximum environmental humidity ±85%
Ready to use: walkable/Traffic car  ±3 hours / ±12 hours

Elongation at break    ISO 527-3


Tensile Strength         ISO 527-3

>20 MPa

Shore Hardness A/D    DIN 53.505

>93 / >50

Electrical tansversal resistance R1    EN-1081:1998 8,8 x 106 Ω
Solid content      ISO 1768 100%
VOC content (volatile organic compounds) 0

Fire reaction     EN-13501-1

Euroclass F

Results were performed in the laboratory at 25ºC  (73ºF) and 50% RH, under controllable conditions. These values may vary depending on the application, climatology, or substrate conditions.

* Data for component B pigmented in gray. For other colorations or neutral, consult the official COA issued by Tecnopol (Certificate of Analysis for each batch delivered). Results were performed in the laboratory at 23ºC and 50% RH, under controllable conditions.