- Three-component, epoxy cementitious system made up of cementitious binders and epoxy resin in water dispersion, It forms a compact, waterproof, abrasion-resistant layer which, if required, is suitable for coating with epoxy, polyurea, and polyurethane products
- It has the capacity of curing on damp indoor and outdoor surfaces
- Do not apply Tecnoblock F directly on: surfaces with a surface film of water, dusty, flaky, flimsy surfaces, anhydrite or gypsum-based substrates, old, gypsum-based smoothing layers., on cracks that are subject to movement, the product is rigid and may also crack.
- It meets the requirements defined by EN 1504-9 (“Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures – Definitions, requirements, quality control and evaluation of conformity – General principles for the use of products and systems”) and the minimum requirements claimed by EN 1504-2 coating (C) according to MC and IR principles (“Surface protection systems for concrete”).
The total weight is 31.25 kg (A+B+C), according to these three individual formats: component A: 1.5 kg + component B: 4.75 kg + component C: 25 kg
12 months in its original, closed containers. Component C contains cement, which complies with the conditions of Annex XVII to Regulation (EC) N° 1907/2006 (REACH), item 47.
- The cementitious substrate must be solid, mechanically strong, perfectly clean, and free of crumbly parts, materials that could impede bonding, such as wax, oil and grease, and free-standing water.
- The surface may be prepared by either sand-blasting or hydro-sand-blasting, according to the condition of the substrate. Saturate the substrate with water, and wait until the excess water has evaporated off. If necessary, compressed air may be used to remove free-standing water.
- Tecnoblock F is made up of three components, of which two are liquid and one is a powder.
- To prepare the product:
- mix component A with component B until a homogenous, uniform-colored, mix is obtained.
- Then slowly add component C (powder) while mixing until a smooth, lump-free paste is obtained.
- The mixing ratio between the three components is 4.8 : 15.2 : 80 by weight.
- If the entire contents are not required, make sure that the mixing ratios are strictly adhered to in order to avoid poor catalyzing of the product.
- Once prepared, Tecnoblock F is workable for 40 minutes at 23°C (73ºF), and so the product must be applied within the times indicated.
- For mixing, we recommend using a low-speed drill to avoid overheating the mix, which may reduce the workability times and provoke air entrapment.
- Spread Tecnoblock F uniformly on the surface to be treated using a metal trowel. If the substrate is highly absorbent, we recommend applying an initial thin layer of Tecnoblock F with a trowel to close all the pores or a layer of a mixture of components A + B with a brush. Once hardened, apply a second layer of Triblock Finish at a thickness between 0,5-3 mm. Finish with a sponge tamper after approximately 30 minutes. The tamping operation is not recommended if a successive protective epoxy or polyurethane covering layer is to be applied. In this case, the surface must be sanded down.
- Tecnoblock F must be protected from driving rain for at least 24 hours after application.
- The product may be painted over after approximately 24 hours. The hardened layer of Tecnoblock F may be covered with any type of epoxy, polyurea, or polyurethane coating, either with or without solvents. Where necessary, apply the specific primer beforehand as indicated in the TDS of those products.
- Tecnoblock components A, B, and C are irritant for the skin and eyes and may cause sensitization in those predisposed. When in contact with sweat or other body fluids, Tecnoblock F component C contains cement that causes an irritant alkaline reaction and allergic reactions to those predisposed.
- When applying the product, we recommend using protective gloves and goggles and to take the usual precautions for handling chemical products.
- In case of contact with eyes or skin wash immediately with plenty of water and seek medical attention.
- Tecnoblock F components A and B are also hazardous for aquatic life and do not dispose of the products in the environment. For further and complete information about our product's safe use, please refer to the latest version of our Material Safety Data Sheet.
liquid / liquid / liquid
Color |
white / straw yellow / gray |
Density (g/cm3) |
1.1 / 1.01 / --- |
Broodkfield viscosity (mPa.s) |
9,000 (nº5 needle,10 revs)/ 50 (nº1 needle,50 revs)/--- mPa.s |
Results performed in the laboratory at 23ºC (73ºF) and 50% RH, under controllable conditions. These values may vary depending on the application, climatology, or substrate conditions.
Mixing ratio
A/B/C = 4,8:15,2:80
Color |
gray |
Consistency |
thixotropic-trowelable |
Density |
2,000 kg/m3 |
Brookfield viscosity |
35,000 mPa.s (nº5 needle,10 revs) |
Application temperature range |
+5ºC ~ +30ºC (41º to 86ºF) |
Pot life |
40 min. |
Maximum applied thickness |
3 mm |
Ready for painting over |
24 hours to 7 days |
Compressive strength EN12190 |
not required according to the EN-1504-2 coating (C) principles MC and IR |
Results were performed in the laboratory at 23ºC (73ºF)and 50% RH, under controllable conditions. These values may vary depending on the application, climatology, or substrate conditions.
Compressive strength EN 12190
not required
≥ 45 MPa (after 28 days) |
Flexural strength EN 196/1 |
not required |
≥ 9 MPa(after 28 days) |
Bond strength( substrate in MC 0.40-w/c ratio=0,40) according to EN 1766 EN 1542 |
For rigid systems with no traffic: ≥ 1.0 with traffic: ≥ 2.0 > |
≥ 3 MPa(after 28 days) |
Thermal compatibility measured as bond strength according to EN 1542-freeze-thaw cycles with de-icing salts |
For rigid systems with no traffic: ≥ 1.0 with traffic: ≥ 2.0 |
≥ 3 MPa(after 50 cycles) |
Impermeability is expressed as a coefficient of permeability to free water |
W<0.1 kg/sqm*h0.5 |
W<0.04 kg/sqm*h0.5 |
Permeability to water vapor – equivalent air thickness Sd |
Class I Sd < 5 m Class II 5 m ≤ SD ≤ 50 m Class III SD > 50 m |
Sd < 0.5 Class I (permeable to water vapor) |
Reaction to fire EN 13501-1 |
Euroclass |
A2-s1-d0 |
Results were performed in the laboratory at 23ºC (73ºF)and 50% RH, under controllable conditions. These values may vary depending on the application, climatology, or substrate conditions.